Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pomelo Mango Sago ~~ 杨枝甘露 ~~

Posted by Mummy KaRen at 11:48 PM

~~Mango with Pomelo Dessert~~


600gm mango (abt 2 mango)
1 bowl of mango juice (use marigold brand or any packet mango juice)
1/2 bowl of evaporated milk (carnation brand)
300 gm pomelo (spit into small pieces)
1 bowl of water (boiled & cool down water)
cornflour mixture (in a bowl)
1 tbsp cornflour + 1 tbsp tap water


1. Bring 1 bowl of water + 50gm sugar to boil until sugar dissolve, add in cornflour mixture, stir in slow fire until the mixture is smooth then off fire and leave it to cool down.

2. Cut the mango from both side, and cut the mango fresh into cube.Then the remaing mango put in a bowl, add 1 bowl of water then send to blend. Then put aside.

3. 300gm of pomelo, split them into small pieces.

4. When the pot is cold, add the grinded mango juice, cube mango, 1 bowl of mango juice (pkt), half bowl of carnation milk, then stir, lastly add in pomelo to stir, if too thick, add water.

5. Serve it as cold dessert.



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