Friday, July 4, 2008


Posted by Mummy KaRen at 12:13 PM

Today, we are going to have this 苦瓜排骨汤 for our dinner.


250g Pork Ribs,排骨
1 Small Bitter Gourd,苦瓜
1 Small Carrot,红萝卜
4-5 Red Dates,红枣
1 Tablespoon Gou Qizi,枸杞子
2 Slices Ginger,老姜


1. Wash and blanch pork ribs in boiling water, and then remove them from the water.

2. Wash and cut the bitter gourd into 1" thick rings and rub the flesh with some salt to reduce it's bitter taste.

3. Wash and cut the carrot into 1" thick rings too.

4. Bring a pot of water over high heat, add the Bitter gourd, Carrot, Red Dates, Gou Qiziand, Ginger into the pot bring to boil for 10 minutes over medium heat

5. Add in the pork ribs then continue to simmer over low heat for 30 - 45 minutes, season with some salt and serve.



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